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Visualizzazione post con etichetta competitions. Mostra tutti i post


The Creators Project selected my Playground project to be featured on its Gallery

I'm very proud to inform that The Creators Project website selected my Playground project to be featured on its Gallery, they wrote "with scores of new works to chose from daily, we can only pick a few that truly promote innovative thinking".

You can view on Featured page here:


Oderzo, piazza Castello competition

La progettazione in questo caso vuole essere un intervento leggero di ricucitura degli spazi e di logico sfruttamento delle superfici. La piazza va riconnessa al resto della città, va collegata per funzionalità alla piazza Grande da una parte e al fiume dall’altra. Lo spazio, pur mantenendo la necessaria viabilità automobilistica e parte dei parcheggi deve essere restituita ai cittadini, divenendo piacevole, fornendo canali visivi e prospettive accattivanti, riqualificandosi pertanto con una specifica propensione alla circolazione pedonale, attrarre dunque e non respingere chi attraversa questi spazi.

In collaborazione con arch. Fabio Foresto


Riqualificazione urbanistica e architettonica area ex Lanerossi a Dueville (VI) - Mentioned

with Bandiera Architetti srl, Treviso Italy
chief architect: Francesco Bandiera
architect team: Max Foytik, Stefan Müller, Francesca Tornabene, Fabio Bacchin, Giovanna Brini.

I curated architectural project for former factory part, 3D, renderings, graphic layout.

All pictures courtesy of Bandiera Architetti srl


Mixed use building in Teheran

“A Building” project purpose is to obtain a solid body exposed to the city with a central area dedicated to be a public park. Such location will be a space open to the city, provided with an access to a pair of roof gardens by means of an indipendent lift system. A place created in order to find relax, stroll or sip tea. A small OASIS building in the center of Tehran, able to keep together both functions: working and leasure activities. The green area of 300 sqm, required by the rules, has been intended as a courtyard enclosed by the architecture itself, a park protected from the metropolis but in the same time open to it trought the roof gardens development.

In collaboration with arch. Riccardo Gargano e arch. Stefan Mueller


New building for Ascopiave - project

with Bandiera Architetti srl, Treviso Italy
chief architect:  Francesco Bandiera, Maurizio Costamagna, Anna De Lazzari
architect team: Max Foytik, Stefan Mueller, Fabio Bacchin, Francesca Tornabene
acoustic: arch. Maria Elena Bovo
Structural eng.: ing. Mario Bertanzon, ing. Tiziano Bonato 
Energy & MEP eng.: ing. Carlo Chiodin  
Landscape design: dott. agr. Alfrino Pasetto
I curated 3D modeling, renderings, graphic layout.

All pictures courtesy of Bandiera Architetti srl


Nuova Scuola Primaria A Volpago Del Montello (TV)

with Bandiera Architetti srl, Treviso Italy
chief architect: Francesco Bandiera
architect team: Maurizio Costamagna, Anna De Lazzari
assistant team: Max Foytik, Stefan Müller, Fabio Bacchin, Simonetta Chiovaro.

I curated 3D modeling, renderings, graphic layout.

All pictures courtesy of Bandiera Architetti srl